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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Un magnat australian vrea să cloneze dionzauri

Magnatul Clive Palmer a precizat, potrivit, că o să învestească orice sumă este neceseară pentru ca acest vis al său şi a multor altora din lume să devină  real. 

Deşi toate că intenţiile sale par a face parte dintr-un plan pe cât de excentric, pe atât de irealizabil, Clive Palmer a demarat deja o serie de discuţii aprofundate pe această temă cu echipa de oameni de ştiinţă care a reuşit clonarea lui Dolly, celebra oaie care a fost primul animal clonat.

Baalbek (Heliopolis)

Baalbek or Heliopolis (Ἡλιούπολις, "sun city"): town in the northern Bekaa valley, site of the largest sanctuary in the Roman world.


As a site of human occupation, Baalbek is extremely old. An archaeological sounding in the Great Court of the temple of Jupiter revealed ceramics from a settlement from the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (i.e., the fourth and third millenniums BCE), as well as architectural remains from the Middle Bronze Age (about 1950-1600). 

Teofrast: caractere și caricaturi

Teofrast (370-283 î.Hr), unul dintre discipolii lui Aristotel, descrie în Caracterele, lucrare scurtă ca dimensiune, 30 de tipuri de caracter întâlnite la omul de rând al vremii antice. Aceste caractere foarte deosebite între ele par a-l mira pe gânditorul grec, care nu înțelege „de ce în Grecia, cu aceeași climă și aceeași creștere pentru toți grecii de pretutindeni, există totuși așa mari diferențe în felul nostru de a fi” [1]. Teofrast ajunge mai târziu să fie succesorul școlii peripatetice.

Derinkuyu Underground City

In Derinkuyu Turkey there is an underground city with 11 levels. It's able to hold 30-50 THOUSAND people. It has a wine cellar and stables for livestock. Each level has a huge rock circular door that can be shut from the inside to keep people out. It also has an air vent and pluming.

They say it was built/ dug in the 6th or 7th century BC. Thats a long time ago!

Ruins in Dunwich and Clare given £400,000 for restoration

Two Suffolk landmarks are to benefit from restoration projects after receiving grants worth £400,000.

English Heritage has awarded £186,000 to the medieval ruins of Greyfriars monastery in Dunwich and £102,000 to the remains of Clare Castle.

Suffolk County Council is giving £112,000 to the projects.


In timp ce unii cercetatori sunt preocupati de studierea altor planete, apropiate de sistemul nostru solar, altii sunt interesati sa afle ce enigme ascunde Antarctica.  Antarctica este regiunea polara din continentul Antarctida si portiunile sudice din oceanele limitrofe, fiind înconjurata de Oceanul Antarctic. Cu o suprafata de 14 milioane kilometri patrati, este considerata al cincilea continent, ca marime, dupa Asia, Africa, America de Nord si America de Sud. Circa 98% din suprafata Antarcticii este acoperita cu gheata a carei grosime, în medie, masoara 1,6 km.

Spiral Galaxy Photo Sheds New Light on Recent Star Explosion

A new, extremely deep photo of the site of a supernova explosion that was observed in 1957 has revealed X-rays emanating from the source.

The photo, taken by NASA's Chandra X-Ray space telescope, is the first to spot X-ray light coming from the remains of the dead star that sparked the explosion, and indicates that the supernova likely transformed the star into a pulsar.

Pulsars are super-dense, fast-rotating objects that have been compressed so tightly they are composed only of neutrons.

The mission of NASA’s latest Mars rover, Curiosity

In the wee hours of Monday, Eastern Daylight Time, a NASA rover named Curiosity should, if all goes according to plan, land on Mars after a more than eight-month-journey.

While Curiosity is not the first Mars rover, it is much bigger than its predecessors, Spirit and Opportunity. That is mostly due to the fact that its scientific instruments are much bigger — altogether they weigh 165 pounds, as opposed to 11 pounds on Spirit and Opportunity.