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Monday, November 5, 2012

Total Solar Eclipse - Australia 14 November 2012

A total eclipse of the Sun is arguably nature's most spectacular and awe-inspiring phenomenon. Australia will play host to such an event next week and all eyes will be on the horizon overlooking the Coral Sea in Tropical North Queensland as the total solar eclipse casts an incredible shadow across the region on November 14.

Port Douglas and Cairns will be the best places in the world to witness this natural phenomenon and well known Australian astronomer Dave Reneke, writer and publicist for Australasian Science magazine, will be on hand to record it all.

Rare 300 kg meteorite unearthed in Poland

WARSAW: The largest meteorite ever found in Eastern Europe has been discovered by Polish geologists who hope the rare find will provide fresh clues about the composition of the Earth's inner core, they said.

"We know the Earth's core is composed of iron, but we can't study it. Here we have a guest from outer space which is similar in structure and we can easily examine it," Andrzej Muszynski told reporters in Poznan, western Poland, where the find was made public.

"This can broaden our knowledge about the origins of the universe," the geologist said, quoted by the Polish PAP news agency.

The nucleus of a comet undone: Scientists monitor Hergenrother's breakup

Comet 168P-Hergenrother was imaged by the NOAO/Gemini telescope on Nov. 2, 2011 at about 6 a.m. UTC. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/NOAO/Gemini 

(—The Hergenrother comet is currently traversing the inner-solar system. Amateur and professional astronomers alike have been following the icy-dirt ball over the past several weeks as it has been generating a series of impressive outbursts of cometary-dust material. Now comes word that the comet's nucleus has taken the next step in its relationship with Mother Nature. 

Solar system’s birth record revised

Some 4.567 billion years ago, our solar system’s planets spawned from an expansive disc of gas and dust rotating around the sun. While similar processes are witnessed in younger solar systems throughout the Milky Way, the formative stages of our own solar system were believed to have taken twice as long to occur. 

Now, new research lead by the Centre for Star and Planet Formation at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, suggests otherwise. Indeed, our solar system is not quite as special as once believed.

Город, построенный на соли

В Болгарии обнаружен один из древнейших городов эпохи бронзы, уже названный СМИ древнейшим городом Европы. Между тем на это звание претендуют еще несколько древних протогородов, в том числе на территории России.

Болгарские археологи открыли поселение эпохи бронзы, которое можно считать одним из древнейших, если не самым древним (из надежно датированных) доисторических городов Европы. Поселение, раскопанное в окрестностях города Провадия (Варненская область, Болгария), состояло из двухэтажных домов, мощных оборонительных стен, улицы, некрополя и сооружений производственного и ритуального характера, датируемых радиоуглеродным методом 4700–4200 годами до н. э., то есть эпохой поздней бронзы.

Астрономам удалось зафиксировать реликтовое излучение первых звезд

Наблюдение за блазарами помогло выявить остаточное излучение древнейших звезд.

Американские астрономы из Стэндфордского университета с помощью космического телескопа «Ферми» смогли обнаружить остаточное излучение, принадлежащее первым звездам Вселенной. Результаты исследования опубликованы в свежем выпуске журнала Science.

Climate debate is based on religion

Religion plays a major part in the climate debate, for instance in our fight to preserve endangered species that have no practical use to humans, argues theologian in a new book.

There may not be any obvious point in trying to preserve annoying insects and slimy maggots. Yet most people believe we should try to save them from extinction.

Teoria cuantică, dincolo de spaţiu şi timp

O echipă internaţională de cercetători din Elveţia, Belgia, Spania şi Singapore a propus un experiment care ne-ar putea obliga să facem o alegere între două extreme, nonlocalitatea şi încălcarea teoriei relativităţii a lui Einstein, pentru a descrie Universul.

Propunerea este publicată în revista Nature Physics şi are la bază ceea ce oamenii de ştiinţă numesc „inegalitatea influenţei ascunse” (hidden influence inequality). Această inegalitate scoate în evidenţă felul în care predicţiile cuantice pun la încercare cea mai bună descriere a naturii spaţiului şi timpului pe care o avem la dispoziţie în prezent, teoria relativităţii a lui Einstein.

Farthest Supernova Yet Marked Death of Very Massive Star

Astronomers are reaching ever further back in time, seeking events from the earliest days of the universe. Now, the discovery of the farthest (and thus oldest) supernova ever seen is raising hopes that astronomers will soon detect the explosive deaths of the first stars to form after the universe's birth. These stars forged the first heavy elements, which helped create smaller and longer-lived stars like our own sun.

The earliest stars looked different from modern stars. The big bang produced only three light elements—hydrogen, helium, and a little lithium—but today, stars form in gas clouds that also contain heavier elements such as carbon and oxygen. These elements radiate away enough energy to eventually cool the clouds. When the clouds cool, they fragment into smaller clumps that collapse to spawn a plethora of mostly small stars.