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Friday, November 2, 2012

Superstorm Sandy threatens to sink Noah's ark

Severe weather shuts down production on Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic starring Russell Crowe and Emma Watson

Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic Noah, starring Russell Crowe and Emma Watson, may be the most high-profile film industry casualty of Superstorm Sandy.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, the exterior sets for Noah – including the 450ft-long ark – were constructed directly in the storm's path in Oyster Bay on Long Island Sound; the damage to the area has made it impossible to fully assess what has survived Sandy's impact. The $115m budget film was due to have finished shooting on 9 November, but this will be pushed back as the production has been shut down since Sunday 28 October. (It is due to restart on Thursday 1 November.) However, studio Paramount is confident no delay to its planned release date of 28 March 2013 will occur, as any losses will be covered by insurance.

Misterul blocurilor uriase de piatra din Baalbek

Anticul oras Baalbek ascunde unul dintre cele mai mari mistere ale arheologiei, amplasat la est de răul Litani in valea Bekaa din estul Libanului de azi, este celebru pentru impresionantele ruine ale templelor construite de către romani. 

Oraşul era cunoscut pe vremea romanilor sub numele de Heliopolis, aici romanii au ridicat un complex alcatuit din trei temple dedicate lui Jupiter Bacchus si Venus, acestea fiind printre cele mai mari si mai grandioase temple de acest fel. 

Abhas Mitra,singurul savant care a indraznit sa-i demonstreze lui Hawking ca teoria lui este gresita, marginalizat de lumea ştiinţifică

Abhas Mitra este seful sectiei de Astroficiza Teoretica de la Insitutul de cercetare Atomica Bhabha(BARC) din Mumbai, India. Dincolo de propriile sale cercetari, savantul a atras atentia lumii stiintei dupa ce a contrazis o teorie a lui Stephen Hawking.

In urma cu peste 30 de ani, celebrul fizician Stephen Hawking a publicat teoria sa despre Gaurile Negre din spatiu. Potrivit acesteia, ciudatele "gauri" distrugeau absolut tot ce intra in raza lor gravitationala, inclusiv lumina si informatia, adica baza materiei.

Hermetic Cosmology

A cosmology is the conceptual framework of an individual, school of thought, or whole culture bymeans of which the world is understood. “Hermetic Magic” by Stephen Edred Flowers, Ph.D.

When one first begins to study various cosmologies, the usual impression is that it is an interesting intellectualexercise but has little in the way of practical application. Further study shows that knowing what comes after deathprovides a guideline on how to live life to ensure a better outcome in the next life, after life or next incarnation. Italso illustrates the differences between religion and magic which allows us to make an informed decision regardinghow much of either that we want to practice. Some cosmologies even describe such hard to define concepts as loveand soul mates.

A fost descoperit mormantul regelui care a pus bazele Civilizatiei Maya

Cercetatorii nu pierd timpul si de asta ne convingem in fiecare zi. O echipa de oameni de stiinta din Guatemala a descoperit mormantul unui fost rege, despre care se crede ca a fost acela care a pus bazele civilizatiei MAYA, in urma cu peste 2.000 de ani.

Arheologii au descoperit mormantul regelui K'utz Chman, un preot despre care se crede ca a domnit in jurul anului 700 i.e.n., la Tak'alik Ab'aj, in regiunea Retalhuleu din vestul Guatemalei. Decorat cu multe bijuterii din jad si alte artefacte, acest sit este cel mai vechi mormant regal maya descoperit pana in prezent.

Scott's Last Expedition exhibition opens next month

Canterbury Museum will open a major international touring exhibition telling the epic story of Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova expedition to the South Pole next month.

Scott's Last Expedition, a partnership between the Natural History Museum, London, the Antarctic Heritage Trust and Canterbury Museum, brings together for the first time rare scientific specimens collected on the expedition and artefacts used by Scott and his team.

Unravelling The Legend Behind Homo Floresiensis

Wellingtonians are invited to come along to Te Papa on Saturday 1 December for the unique chance to see and hear about the remarkable discovery of a new human species, Homo floresiensis.

Discovered in a magnificent cathedral-like cave on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, the new species has been nicknamed the ‘hobbit’ as it stood just over one metre tall, had large feet, and was capable of undertaking complex activities.

Физики объяснили процесс отделения души от тела с позиций квантовой механики

Не исключено, полагают ученые, что сознание существовало во Вселенной всегда - со момента ее зарождения

Материальная основа идеализма

Не счесть свидетельств людей, переживших клиническую смерть и якобы летавших на "тот свет". Они  видели себя со стороны, неслись  по какому-то тоннелю, общались со странными сущностями… Околосмертный опыт (near-death experience: NDЕ - в английском сокращении) -  так называется этот феномен.  Но о чем он все-таки свидетельствует?