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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mysterious Case of Asteroid Oljato's Magnetic Disturbance

Back in the 1980s, the arrival of asteroid 2201 Oljato inside the orbit of Venus heralded a flurry of magnetic activity. Now, results from ESA's Venus Express spacecraft suggest that Oljato has lost its magnetic mojo. Dr. Christopher Russell will present an explanation for Oljato's strange behavior at the European Planetary Science Congress in Madrid on Tuesday 25th September.

Oljato orbits the Sun once every 3.2 years. During its lifetime, NASA's Pioneer Venus Orbiter observed three passages of Oljato between Venus and the Sun. Each time, there was a marked increase in the region of unusual magnetic peaks known as Interplanetary Field Enhancements (IFEs), both ahead and behind the asteroid.

Coral Hotspots Found in Deepwater Canyons off Northeast US Coast

For the first time in decades, researchers have conducted an extensive exploration for deep-sea corals and sponges in submarine canyons off the northeastern coast of the US. The survey revealed coral "hotspots," and found that a new coral habitat suitability model could help predict where corals are likely to occur. The model is being developed by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) and the National Ocean Service's Biogeography Branch.

Among the canyons surveyed during the July 6-18 cruise aboard the NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow were Toms, Middle Toms, and Hendrickson canyons off New Jersey, and Veatch and Gilbert canyons off Georges Bank.

Big quake was part of crustal plate breakup

Seismologists have known for years that the Indo-Australian plate of Earth's crust is slowly breaking apart, but they saw it in action last April when at least four faults broke in a magnitude-8.7 earthquake that may be the largest of its type ever recorded.

The great Indian Ocean quake of April 11, 2012 previously was reported as 8.6 magnitude, and the new estimate means the quake was 40 percent larger than had been believed, scientists from the University of Utah and University of California, Santa Cruz, report in the Sept. 27 issue of the journal Nature.

Friday, September 28, 2012

К Земле приближается огромная комета

Небесная гостья вот-вот пересечет орбиту Юпитера

Комету, получившую предварительное обозначение  C/2012 S1 (ISON), открыли астрономы любители - Артем Новичонок (Россия) и Виталий Невский (Белоруссия). Они заметили ее 21 сентября, проводя наблюдения  из  обсерватории в районе Кисловодска. Позднее открытие подтвердили другие - уже профессиональные астрономы - в нескольких странах.

Новая комета летит в нашу сторону. Сейчас она находится за орбитой Юпитера. То есть, очень далеко от Солнца, но уже обзавелась хвостом, заметным для астрономов. По мере приближения ядро небесной гостьи будет разогреваться еще больше и светиться еще ярче. В результате, подлетев к нам, комета может стать небывало  яркой  - вспыхнуть в 15 раз ярче Луны. Ее будет видно даже днем в Севаном полушарии - невооруженным глазом, естественно. Небесное шоу продлится не менее двух месяцев.

Астрономы впервые измерили основание джета черной дыры

Ученые получили рекордно четкое изображение сверхмассивной черной дыры в центре галактики M87 и измерили основание ее джета. Работа опубликована в журнале Science, а ее краткое описание можно прочитать на сайтах Массачусетского технологического института, NatureNews и ScienceNow.

Исследование проводилось с помощью четырех радиотелескопов, расположенных в Калифорнии, Аризоне и на Гавайях. В ходе работы они были фактически объединены в единый прибор - интерферометр со сверхдлинным базисом. Благодаря тщательной настройке радиотелескопов, ученым удалось рассмотреть близкие окрестности черной дыры с беспрецедентной точностью.

Cele mai îndepărtate obiecte astronomice

Galaxii, quasari, găuri negre, stele şi nebuloase – într-un cuvânt obiecte astronomice – sunt situate peste tot prin spaţiu, la diferite distanţe. În continuare vă prezentăm cele mai îndepărtate dintre aceste obiecte, care au cele mai mari deplasări spre roşu.

UDFj-39546284 este o structură stelară descoperită prin observaţii în infraroşu a telescopului spaţial Hubble. Aceasta are o deplasare spre roşu de aproximativ 10.3. După intense cercetări ale mai multor oameni de ştiinţă, în ianuarie 2011 s-a anunţat că lumina provenită de la acest obiect este cea mai veche din Univers. Sursa stelară propriu-zisă a luminii nici nu mai există. Aceasta este asociată cu o mini-galaxie de stele albastre care a existat aşa cum o vedem noi acum 13.2 miliarde de ani, la doar  480-500 milioane ani după Big Bang.

No Star Left Behind: Fruitless Search for Supernova Survivor Hints at Unexpected Origins

A type Ia supernova is perhaps the ultimate combination of insult and injury—a star steals material from a companion star, reaches critical mass, becomes unstable, and then unleashes a nuclear blast powerful enough to decimate or destroy its already diminished victim.

The culprit in these cases is clear: type Ia supernovae arise from the cataclysmic explosions of small, dense stars known as white dwarfs. But the victim's identity is clouded, limiting the precision of cosmological distance estimates that rely on these luminous beacons as markers. Traditionally, scientists believed that with the victims were sunlike main-sequence stars or swollen giant stars. But recent studies have pointed to a major role for a lesser known mechanism—pairings of two white dwarfs in which one cannibalizes its orbital companion before exploding as a supernova.

Yellowstone Supervolcano Discovery—Where Will It Erupt?

The natural beauty of Yellowstone National Park may appear serene, but it's rooted in a violent volcanic past. Now, geologists have identified which parts of the park are most likely to erupt again someday.

Yellowstone's next major eruption will probably be centered in one of three parallel fault zones running north-northwest across the park, a new study predicts.

Two of these areas produced large lava flows the last time the supervolcano was active—174,000 to 70,000 years ago—while the third has had the most frequent tremors in recent years.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A penetrating, double-ringed crater on Mars

Mars is weird. Right? I mean, it’s a whole other planet. So you expect it to be weird.

But then I see pictures like this one from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRISE camera, and I am reminded just how weird it is:

Most craters you see are pretty simple: something impacts the ground at high speed, BOOM!, and you get a crater like a dish tossed into soft sand. But this one has two rings, one inside the other. That can happen with huge impacts producing craters hundreds of kilometers across, but this one is small, only 230 meters from side to side – an American football stadium would just fit inside this crater.

NASA descoperă milioane de noi quasari

Telescopul WISE al NASA a cercetat de două ori Universul în timpul misiunii sale de 14 luni, generând un număr impresionant de date. În urma analizei acestor date, astronomii au scos la iveală una dintre cele mai impresionante descoperiri de până acum.

Este vorba de existenţa a 2,5 milioane de găuri negre răspândite prin cosmos – de aproximativ trei ori mai multe decât cele descoperite de cercetări precedente.

Cum s-a descifrat scrierea hieroglifica, in urma cu aproape doua secole

Acum 190 de ani, in ziua de 27 septembrie 1822, francezul Jean-Francois Champollion fremata de fericire, putand anunta lumii ca a reusit sa descifreze scrierea hieroglifica, anticul sistem egiptean de notare care, pana la acea data, ramasese o taina pentru cei mai pasionati cercetatori ai trecutului.

Un vindecator prezice nasterea unui baiat

O poveste stranie circula in legatura cu nasterea lui Champollion. Se spune ca mama lui, atunci in varsta de 47 de ani, suferea de reumatism, boala fiind atat de grava incat nu-si putea misca deloc articulatiile si era imobilizata la pat. Un vindecator a tratat-o cu ierburi si masaje, prevestindu-i totodata ca se va face bine si va naste un baiat.

On the Eleusinian Mysteries

The Eleusinian Mysteries are believed to be of considerable antiquity, deriving from religious practice of the Mycenaean period and thus predating the Greek Dark Ages. One line of thought by modern scholars has been that the Mysteries were intended "to elevate man above the human sphere into the divine and to assure his redemption by making him a god and so conferring immortality upon him." 

Comparative study shows parallels between these Greek rituals and similar systems — some of them older — in the Near East (see Religions of the Ancient Near East). These cults are the mysteries of Isis and Osiris in Egypt, the Adoniac of Syrian cults, the Persian mysteries, and the Phrygian Cabirian mysteries. Some scholars argued that the Eleusinian cult was a continuation of a Minoan cult, probably affected by the Near East.

Edwin Hubble – de la ochi la lentila la cele mai departate galaxii

Echipat cu cele cinci simturi, un om exploreaza universul din jurul lui si numeste aceasta aventura Stiinta. – Edwin Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954

Inca de la o varsta frageda, Hubble a stiut ca vroia sa descopere tainele cerului, insa viata i-a oferit numeroase experiente (a fost avocat, a luptat in Primul Razboi Mondial, s-a specializat in matematica si astronomie) ca, intr-un final, sa il duca fata in fata cu visul sau si sa schimbe pentru totdeauna perceptia omului despre Univers.

Cunoaşte-te pe tine însuţi - dimensiuni filosofico-creştine

Orice demers filosofic gravitează în jurul problematicii omului. De-a lungul timpului mulţi „iubitori deînţelepciune” au încercat să vină în sprijinul omului pentru a-l face să înţeleagă, cine este, de ce este şi încotro seîndreaptă. S-au făcut nenumărate încercări, situând răspunsul la aceste întrebări, în materialitate, în principiiimpersonale sau în cauze iraţionale. Cel care a intuit cel mai bine răspunsul la aceste întrebări a fost Socrate, producândo adevărată reformă în gândirea antică.

A descoperit că esenţa omului nu rezidă într-o cauză materială, ci este inefabilă. A fost pus în faţa acestor întrebări în momentul când a văzut gravat pe frontispiciul Templului din Delhi cuvintele „cunoaşte-te pe tine însuţi”,răspunzând camaradului care-l însoţea la templu, că această maximă l-a pus pe gânduri, invitându-l la introspecţie.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Secretul lui Stradivarius

Care este secretul pentru sunetul incomparabil al celui mai vestit instrument cu coarde din istorie, vioara Stradivarius? Iată întrebarea cu care pleacă la drum articolul de faţă, pentru a analiza în final dacă sunetul unui Stradivarius chiar este pe măsura reputaţiei sale.

Ea mi-a pus vioara în braţe, chiar dacă eu încercam să-mi ţin mâinile sus ca să mă feresc de ea. „Nu” am spus, ”Nu ţine chestia aia aproape de mine. O să o sparg.” Dar violonista era insistentă şi nu îmi rămânea decât să o prind sau să o las să cadă. Am ţinut-o şi a fost prima vioară pe care am atins-o, fiind uimit de greutatea mică şi de rigiditatea încordată. Acele straturi subţiri de lemn, atât de inteligent curbate, împreunate şi lipite împreună, formau o cutie care părea incredibil de fragilă, de parcă aş fi putut-o strivi cu cu cea mai mică strângere a mâinii. Dar nu aş fi putut; instrumentul era o dovadă vie a mecanicii tensiometrice, marea ei putere provenind din curbele-i puternic tensionate contra forţei de compresiune exercitată de coardele puternic întinse. O bătălie perpetuă în fizică, cu ambele tabere încleştate în relaxare.

Доказано: уральский лось — самый древний геоглиф на планете

Геоглиф - нанесенный на землю геометрический или фигурный узор, как правило, свыше 4 метров в длину. Многие геоглифы, и челябинский в том числе, настолько велики, что их можно рассмотреть только с воздуха.

Обнаружил этого лося краевед Александр Шестаков. Прогуливаясь по парку, он обратил внимание на то, что в некоторых местах трава растет неровно. Уже дома, открыв в Интернете спутниковую карту, он глазам своим не поверил: неровности у подножия горы образуют гигантский силуэт лося.

Новый экипаж МКС намерен вести космический блог

ЗВЕЗДНЫЙ ГОРОДОК (Московская область), 25 сен - РИА Новости. Новый экипаж, стартующий 23 октября на корабле "Союз ТМА-06М" на Международную космическую станцию (МКС), намерен вести орбитальный блог, сообщили все члены международного экипажа на пресс-конференции в Звездном городке.

Nunavut's mysterious ancient life could return by 2100

Global climate change means that recently discovered ancient forests in Canada's extreme north could one day return, according to Alexandre Guertin-Pasquier of the University of Montreal's Department of Geography, who is presenting his findings at the Canadian Paleontology Conference in Toronto

"According to the data model, climate conditions on Bylot Island will be able to support the kinds of trees we find in the fossilized forest that currently exist there, such as willow, pine and spruce.

Discovery of an Ancient Celestial City Undergoing Rapid Growth

Using the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) mounted on the Subaru Telescope, a team of astronomers led by Dr. Masao Hayashi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan or NAOJ) and Dr. Tadayuki Kodama (Subaru Telescope, NAOJ) has discovered a protocluster of galaxies in the midst of a vigorous process of formation.

It is the densest and most active protocluster ever identified at so great a distance, 11 billion light years away from Earth (Note 1). The star formation rate in the protocluster is intense, sometimes reaching a rate over 100 times greater than that of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Cum să creezi un univers pe computer

Oamenii de ştiinţă, folosind supercomputerul Harvard’s Odyssey, au creat cea mai realistă simulare a evoluţiei cosmice de până acum. Aceştia au reuşit să creeze pe computer un întreg univers, cu naşterea şi evoluţia ulterioară a acestuia.

Cercetătorii, de la Centrul de Astrofizică Harvard-Smithson şi Institutul de Studii Teoretice Heidelberg, au dezvoltat o nouă abordare computaţională care poate modela precis naşterea şi evoluţia a sute de galaxii de-a lungul miliardelor de ani.

Puncte slabe ale cercetării observaţionale

Până acum, cercetarea observaţională sună bine. Este relativ uşoară (tot ce faci este să strângi date) şi dacă eşti suficient de norocos încât să descoperi corelaţii puternice între informaţii, poţi face predicţii importante. Acum ne întoarcem la tema gândirii critice.

Este timpul să vorbim despre unele puncte slabe sau lucruri care ar putea să nu meargă bine atunci când interpretăm cercetările observaţionale.

The Grand Challenge of Schizophrenia Drugs

A milestone for Big Neuroscience came Wednesday with the publication in Nature of a study on the way genes switch on across the whole human brain.

Whole brain is all the vogue.

Neuroscientists have devoted inordinate energy in recent years to publicize  the need for, not only gene maps, but for a full wiring diagram of all brain circuits. The benefits of a connectome as it is known might yield new understanding that could eventually result in  pharmaceuticals for intractable psychiatric disorders. This ultimate neural network might even divvy up intimations of the workings of consciousness.

НАСА берется за поиск планеты-убийцы Нибиру

Ученые из NASA планируют запустить в космос телескоп, при помощи которого они попытаются отыскать планету Нибиру или, как ее еще называют, «планету Х». Она по древним преданиям шумеров, с определенной периодичностью пролетает около Земли. Существование загадочной планеты было открыто учеными американского космического агентства в 1983-м году с помощью инфракрасного телескопа IRAS. Некоторые исследователи считают, что ее гравитационная сила, к примеру, стала виновницей Великого потопа и исчезновения Атлантиды.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

The Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, born in Cuzco, Peru on April 12, 1539, was an important literary figure in 16th and 17th century Spain, best known for his historical works of the Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas. Christened Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, de la Vega was the son of Captain Garcilaso de la Vega y Vargas, one of the members of the conquest force of Pedro de Alvarado. His mother, Palla Chimpu Occlo, was a member of the Inca royal family, granddaughter of the Inca emperor Tupac Inca Yupanqui [1471-1493], niece of Huayna Capac [1493-1527] and cousin of Atuahallpa and Huascar, whose battles ended the Inca Empire.

NASA'S Chandra Shows Milky Way is Surrounded by Halo of Hot Gas

WASHINGTON -- Astronomers have used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to find evidence our Milky Way Galaxy is embedded in an enormous halo of hot gas that extends for hundreds of thousands of light years. The estimated mass of the halo is comparable to the mass of all the stars in the galaxy.

If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the "missing baryon" problem for the galaxy.

Metrologie des supernovae de type Ia pour la cosmologie

„Putem integra vîrstnicii ascultîndu-le mărturiile” - interviu cu antropologul Frédéric Balard

Frédéric Balard este membru al echipei Demografie şi Sănătate din Montpellier (Franţa) din 2003. Este Doctor în antropologie, cu teza „Cei mai vîrstnici dintre vîrstnici: o cultură vie la porţile morţii”.

Aţi publicat un articol numit : „Păstrarea identităţii la vîrste înaintate cu scopul de a îmbătrîni bine : între rezistenţă şi dezangajare”. Identitatea persoanei rămane neschimbată de-a lungul timpului sau putem vorbi de o identitate aparte a vîrstnicului ? Şi, întrucat aţi studiat indeaproape nonagenarii, se schimbă identitatea de-a lungul diferitelor etape ale îmbătrînirii ?

Antediluvian Kings

"Every king springs from a race of slaves, and every slave had kings among his ancestors"Plato

Adom Abayomi, the current pharaoh of ancient Egypt, was watching the last of his pyramid being built. Even in the hot weather he still wore a heavy gold brace around his neck, never sparing any expense to show his wealth and power. His face bore a stern expression, but inside he was overjoyed, his tomb was as perfect as he'd imagined.

Codul de legi al lui Hammurabi

Desi inscaunat regele Babilonului la doar 25 de ani, Hammurabi cel Mare si-a lasat o amprenta puternica asupra istoriei Orientului Apropiat din vremurile secolului 18 i.Hr. Si-a extins rapid aria de influenta cucerind orasele-stat din apropiere, Isin, Uruk si Ur, apoi regatele asirian, akkad si sumerian pentru a controla intreaga Mesopotamie, regiunea fertila dintre fluviile Tigru si Eufrat, numita si “Leaganul civilizatiei omenirii”. A condus realizarea primelor lucrari de infrastructura la scara mare in agricultura in campiile din Mesopotamia, construirea de temple pentru strangerea populatiilor in jurul religiei si a sustinut dezvoltarea culturii in zona.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ирландцы стали свидетелями падения необычного космического объекта

МОСКВА, 22 сен - РИА Новости. Жители Ирландии в пятницу вечером стали свидетелями полета необычайно яркого болида - очень яркой "падающей звезды".

Астрономы-любители полагают, что это мог быть вход в атмосферу отработанной ступени ракеты-носителя, однако они озадачены необычным направлением полета болида - с востока на запад, тогда как все искусственные космические объекты летят в одну сторону с направлением вращения Земли с запада на восток.

Inelia Benz ~ Did You Hear? We Can Do It Today

The information in this article is highly empowering, and reveals deeply known, yet forgotten, facts about our true natures. Feel free to share it, email it, and post it to anyone you feel it will empower. Although simple, it goes to the core of how the Light/Dark Paradigm has been able to function for so long and how we can consciously move back to our true natures of Light/Love, bringing in the New Paradigm with us into what we know as a “physical reality”.

Most of us have heard of the “Tower of Babel”. If you haven’t, the biblical story goes like this:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Planetă, distrusă de propriul soare

Astronomii au confirmat, folosind telescopul spaţial Kepler, descoperirea unei planete, cu o mişcare de revoluţie scurtă, asemenea lui Mercur, care a intrat în ultimul stadiu al vieţii sale. Această planetă este practic distrusă de soarele în jurul căruia orbitează.

Acest obiect s-a apropiat atât de mult de steaua în jurul căreia orbitează încât are nevoie doar 15,7 ore pentru a o înconjura. Temperatura planetei a crescut până la 4400 K. Rezultatul fiind o coadă, asemeni unei comete ce ţâşneşte din planetă, luând odată cu ea o cantitate semnificativă din suprafaţa planetei.

Large Monolithic Imager sees first light on the Discovery Channel Telescope

The Large Monolithic Imager (LMI), a camera built at Lowell Observatory and funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), recently took a set of first-light images on Lowell's 4.3-m Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT).

At the heart of the LMI is the largest charge-coupled device (CCD) that can be built using current fabrication techniques and the first of its kind to be made by e2v.

The 36-megapixel CCD's active surface is 3.7 inches on a side. The LMI's ability to provide much more accurate measurements of the faint light around galaxies separates it from cameras that use a mosaic of CCDs to produce images.

Single-atom writer a landmark for quantum computing

A research team led by Australian engineers has created the first working quantum bit based on a single atom in silicon, opening the way to ultra-powerful quantum computers of the future. In a landmark paper published in the journal Nature, the team describes how it was able to both read and write information using the spin, or magnetic orientation, of an electron bound to a single phosphorus atom embedded in a silicon chip.

"For the first time, we have demonstrated the ability to represent and manipulate data on the spin to form a quantum bit, or 'qubit', the basic unit of data for a quantum computer," says Scientia Professor Andrew Dzurak. "This really is the key advance towards realising a silicon quantum computer based on single atoms."

Black Hole Roundup

Black holes, black holes, and more black holes. In the past few weeks I’ve been thinking, talking, and even dreaming about black holes (yes really, somnolent thoughts seem well suited to these fantastic objects). Mostly this has been an effect of my book Gravity’s Engines hitting the shelves, but it’s also because barely a day seems to go by without some new piece of astrophysical research on these most dense and fantastic objects. Here’s a quick round up of a couple items.

A new survey containing the locations of about 2.5 million supermassive black holes was released a couple weeks back that used the full sky map obtained with NASA’s WISE (Wide-Field, Infrared Survey Explorer) mission to track down the pinpoints of thermal radiation from dust enshrouded holes in distant galaxies.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pompeii and Herculaneum: two ordinary cities with an extraordinary story

In AD 79, late in the year, two cities – Herculaneum and Pompeii – along with various small towns, villages, and farms in the south of Italy were wiped out in just 24 hours by the catastrophic eruption of the nearby Mount Vesuvius. This event ended the life of the cities, but preserved them to be rediscovered by archaeologists nearly 1,700 years later.

От генетически модифицированной кукурузы у крыс появляются гигантские опухоли

Результаты исследований напугали Европу

Громкий скандал в сфере продовольственной безопасности может разгореться после публикации результов исследования воздействия на крыс генетически модифицированных продуктов. Как оказалось, длительное кормление животных такими продуктами вызывает рак.
Исследования проводились в обстановке строгой секретности и длились целых два года. Все это время 200 грызунов, разделенных на три группы, питались генетически модифицированной кукурузой американской фирмы Monsanto. Первая группа ела обычную генетически модифицированную кукурузу, вторая - модифицированной кукурузой, которая прошла обработку самым распространенным в мире гербицидом Roundup. Крыс из третьей группы кормили обыкновенной кукурузой, обработанной гербицидом в малых дозах.

Зонд Dawn обнаружил водород в гигантском кратере на астероиде Веста

МОСКВА, 20 сен - РИА Новости. Зонд Dawn обнаружил на дне гигантского кратера Реясильвия в южном полушарии астероида Веста значительные запасы водорода, часть из которых может оказаться молекулами воды, говорится в двух статьях, опубликованных в журнале Science.

В январе 2012 года американские астрофизики Тимоти Стаббс (Timothy Stubbs) и Юнли Ван (Yongli Wang) предположили, что на Весте может существовать вода в виде кристаллов или залежей льда, так как на астероиде достаточно низкие средние температуры и освещенность для сохранения молекул воды.

Астрономы нашли самую удаленную галактику

Астрономы обнаружили самую удаленную из известных на настоящий момент галактик. Статья ученых появилась в журнале Nature, а ее краткое изложение приводится на сайте Университета Джона Хопкинса, сотрудники которого принимали участие в работе.

В 1906 году американский физик Теодор Лайман открыл в спектре излучения атома водорода серию, получившую его имя. Серия Лаймана образуется при переходе электрона с первого электронного уровня на возбужденные (поглощение фотона) и наоборот (излучение фотона). Переход со второго уровня на первый называют Лайман альфа, с третьего на первый Лайман бета и так далее. Открытая Лайманом серия нашла среди прочего применение в астрофизике, поскольку водород - самый распространенный элемент во Вселенной.

Антропологи обнаружили зубную пломбу эпохи неолита

Ученые обнаружили восковую зубную пломбу, возраст которой составляет около 6,5 тысячи лет. Работа опубликована в журнале PLoS ONE, а ее краткое содержание приводит New Scientist.

Челюсть, в которой был обнаружен пломбированный зуб, была найдена на территории современной Словении в прошлом веке. Однако, лишь спустя 101 год после обнаружения, исследователи обратили на необычный артефакт внимание.

The semiotics of optimization.

A side effect of our increasing literacy around all things web is our increasing ability to know when we’re being scammed, gamed, or pwned. Much in the same way that we’ve developed filters against traditional advertising, we’re now developing sophisticated responses to deceptive advertising and marketing tactics.

I think the same is true for deceptive content marketing tactics like obvious headline and keyword manipulation and optimization of headlines for the greatest traffic. Sooner or later, we will all realise that not everything “is dead,” regardless of what the Harvard Business Review says, and that there are often more or less than 21 interesting things, even though Buzzfeed can’t find them.

Recenzie: Disparuti de Michael Grant

Cât ai clipi din ochi, toată lumea a dispărut. Dispăruţi. Toţi, cu excepţia tinerilor. Au rămas fără nici un adult. Fără profesori,poliţişti, doctori, părinţi. Şi tot aşa de brusc dispar şi telefoanele,internetul, televiziunea. Fără nici o posibilitate de a căuta ajutor. Şi fără vreo şansă de a afla ce se întâmplă.Foametea ameninţă. 

Începe domnia sălbaticilor. O creatură sinistră pândeşte din umbră. Animalele devin mutante. Iar adolescenţii se schimbă şi ei, le apar talente noi, puteri inimaginabile, periculoase, mortale, care sporesc din zi în zi.Este o lume nouă şi înspăimântătoare. Se aleg tabere, se pregăteşte o luptă. Cei puternici împotriva celor slabi. Iar timpul se scurge inexorabil: de ziua ta, dispari, la fel ca toţi ceilalţi.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Încă din cele mai vechi timpuri, există însemnări referitoare la un ţinut, chiar continent, care purta numele de Hyperborea. Denumirea continentului a fost oferită de grecii antici şi în viziunea lor acest loc paradiziac se află undeva în nord (Polul Nord), dincolo de cele mai aprige vânturi ale Pământului. Cu toate acestea, în paradisul grecesc Soarele strălucește 24 de ore pe zi şi doar cei iniţiaţi pot ajunge acolo. Bineînțeles că această locaţie nu putea fi atinsă prin mijloace normale de transport cu mai degrabă pe cale spirituală.

ARCA implicată în testele pentru misiunea ExoMars aparţinând Agenţiei Spaţiale Europene

Echipele ARCA şi ExoMars s-au intâlnit pentru a discuta detalii tehnice despre pregătirea misiunii pe care Agenţia Spaţială Europeană (ESA) o va desfăşura pe Planeta Marte. Întâlnirea a durat o zi şi a avut loc la sediul central al ESA din Noordwijk, Olanda. Principalul motiv al întâlnirii a fost prezentarea viziunii ARCA asupra unor aspecte ale programului de testare pentru ExoMars.

The Nephilim

So I'm teaching through the book of Genesis out at the prison. And the other day we got to one of the stranger passages in the bible. To get ready for the class I had to spend some time looking into the Nephilim. You'll recall the text:

        Genesis 6.1-4 (NIV)
    When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Can Van Allen Belts Dictate Manned Spaceflight?

What Are Van Allen Belts?

Actually two distinct belts, the entire Van Allen radiation belt extends to 7 earth radii. The most dangerous belt is the inner belt, which lies 1.1-3.3 earth radii away. With high concentrations of energetic protons, energies would typically exceed 100 megavolts (MeV). An astronaut, much less any living thing, would be lucky to survive more than a few minutes.

Unde a disparut orasul pierdut Atlantida, amintit de Platon?

Spre deosebire de alte legende ale caror origini s-au pierdut in negura timpului, povestea Atlantidei stim exact cand si unde a aparut pentru prima data. Orasul pierdut Atlantida a fost amintit initial in scrierile lui Platon, insa pana acum nimeni nu poate afirma cu certitudine ca l-a gasit.

Ideea insulei pierdute a captivat numerosi visatori, dar si oameni de stiinta pe parcursul mai multor generatii.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Не счесть алмазов

Российские геологи рассказали об исполинском месторождении в Сибири

Группа российских геологов на минувшей неделе произвела сенсацию в российских СМИ, заявив о рассекречивании гигантского алмазного месторождения. По предварительным оценкам, запасы Попигайского кратера, где алмазы впервые были обнаружены еще в 70-х годах, "составляют триллионы каратов", что в тысячи раз больше доказанных запасов Якутии. Впрочем, обольщаться пока рано - возможности разработки месторождения пока не уточнены, равно как и свойства находящихся там алмазов.

Three monuments set to re-open in Egypt's Saqqara Necropolis

Following more than six years of restoration work, the tombs of two noblemen – along with Saqqara's famous Apis cemetery – will soon be open to the general public

Final restoration work is now in full swing at Egypt's famous Saqqara Necropolis, home of King Djoser's iconic Step Pyramid and a collection of Old Kingdom mastabas and tombs.

Soon, tombs of Sixth Dynasty Chief of Justice Mereuka and Fifth Dynasty Vizier Ptahhotep, along with the Apis tombs of the Serapeum, will be open to the public.

New film boosts Kon-Tiki Museum

Not everyone agrees that the new film “Kon-Tiki” should be Norway’s candidate at the Academy Awards in Hollywood, but Oslo’s Kon-Tiki Museum is riding high on its wave of success. The interest it’s set off among the public is resulting in a badly needed burst of visitors at the museum that had been operating at a loss for the second year in a row.

Australian study backs major assumption of cosmology

In mankind's attempts to gain some understanding of this marvelous place in which we live, we have slowly come to accept some principles to help guide our search. One such principle is that the Universe, on a large enough scale, is homogeneous, meaning that one part looks pretty much like another. Recent studies by a group of Australian researchers have established that, on sizes greater than about 250 million light years (Mly), the Universe is indeed statistically homogeneous, thereby reinforcing this cosmological principle.