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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

TIL: Transumanism, singularitate şi viaţă veşnică

În fiecare zi se petrec atâtea schimbări sau descoperiri notabile în ştiinţă, tehnologie, psihologie, medicină, sociologie şi alte lucruri cu care se ocupăm cei de la revista Descoperă, încât adesea se întâmplă să nu am (şi cred că nici voi) suficient timp sau disponibilitate de a procesa şi stoca toată această informaţie în memoria de lungă durată. Din acest motiv mi s-ar părea binevenită o serie de monologuri săptămânale pe diverse teme de interes general extrase din conştiinţa colectivă, întoarse pe toate părţile până se sedimentează şi transformă în noi perspective - şi, în cel mai fericit caz, în noi discuţii. Dacă vă daţi pe reddit, probabil ştiţi deja ce înseamnă TIL. Dacă nu, acronimul de la today I learned se referă la lucruri noi pe care le aflăm zi de zi, care mai tot timpul se dovedesc a fi remarcabile.

The wonders of Chichen Itza

Buenos diaz,

Acum cateva zile am inceput aventura spre zona arheologica Chichen Itza pt a vedea cea de-a 2 a minune a lumii reprezentata prin Templu Kukulcan. In drumul nostru am facut cateva opriri pt a cunoaste mai bine civilizatia maya si cultura mexicana.

In momentul in care am ajuns in Chichen Itza soferul autocarului ne-a strans pt a ne inmana biletele de intrare si pt a ne repartiza, in functie de limba conversationala aleasa, unui ghid.

Huge deposit of Jurassic turtle remains found in China

Paleontologists from University of Tübingen and Berlin Natural History Mu-seum can make first statistical analysis of ancient species. 

"Bones upon bones, we couldn't believe our eyes," says Oliver Wings, paleontologist and guest researcher at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. He was describing the spectacular find of some 1800 fossilized mesa chelonia turtles from the Jurassic era in China's northwest province of Xinjiang. Wings and the University of Tübingen's fossil turtle specialist, Dr. Walter Joyce, were working with Chinese paleontologists there in 2008. The results of their further work in 2009 and 2011 have just been published in the German journal "Naturwissenschaften." 

Super-Massive Black Hole Inflates Giant Bubble

Like symbiotic species, a galaxy and its central black hole lead intimately connected lives. The details of this relationship still pose many puzzles for astronomers.

Some black holes actively accrete matter. Part of this material do not fall into the black hole but is ejected in a narrow stream of particles, traveling at nearly the speed of light. When the stream slows down, it creates a tenuous bubble that can engulf the entire galaxy. Invisible to optical telescopes, the bubble is very prominent at low radio frequencies. The new International LOFAR Telescope - designed and built by ASTRON in an international collaboration - is ideally suited to detect this low frequency emission.

Incoming! Tunguska-class bolide to miss Earth by just 22,500km on 15 February 2013

An asteroid the size of a city block is due to come whizzing past Earth closer than any other of its size in recorded history in February next year, according to astronomers.

The asteroid, referred to as 2012 DA14, has a diameter of approximately 45m and an estimated mass of 130,000 tonnes. It was discovered at the start of 2012 and is set to travel between the Earth and our geostationary communication satellites on 15 February 2013. At a distance of just 22,500km this will be the closest asteroid 'fly by' in recorded history.