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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Germany advocates the return of eminent researchers in Boston

More than 250 US-based junior researchers of German nationality will come together in Boston with over 100 high-level representatives from the worlds of German academia, politics and business from 7 to 9 September. The highly-educated academics are currently furthering their qualifications at American universities and research institutions.

At the twelfth annual meeting of the German Academic International Network (GAIN), they can find out about career opportunities and future prospects as well as the benefits of Germany as a centre of academia. This year’s GAIN conference focuses on the third round of funding of the Excellence Initiative from the central and regional governments and the worsening skills shortage in Germany. In light of the latter, junior researchers are more in demand than ever.

David Talbott - The Plasma Universe of Hannes Alfven

In the 20th century no scientist added more to our knowledge of electromagnetism in space than Hannes Alfvén(1908–1995). His insights changed the picture of the uni- verse, revealing the profound effects of charged particle move-ment at all scales of observation. 

But recognition never camequickly, and never easily, and mainstream journals typically regarded Alfvén as an outsider, often rejecting his submissions. In retrospect, Alfvén’s dificulties in gaining acceptancecan only highlight the inertia of institutionalized ideas in thesciences, reminding us of the obstacles faced by all of history’sgreat scientific innovators.

Applied Geophysics: Seismic Prospecting Methods INTRODUCTION

Roland Gangloff, grandfather of Alaska paleontology has new book

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - For 15 pivotal years, University of Alaska Fairbanks professor Roland A. Gangloff was the main dinosaur man in Alaska. Starting in the 1980s, he coordinated searches for fossils in places where none had ever been found, discovering or helping to identify fantastical creatures that roamed the Arctic millions of years ago.

Those discoveries helped create a revolution in paleontology and led scientists to reconsider long-held hypotheses- particularly concerning the range and adaptability of dinosaurs. Gangloff's name popped up year after year as the author of scientific papers, the subject of magazine articles or in newspaper stories reporting what the latest digs had uncovered and how the finds were setting standard assumptions on their head.

Colour Theory: A Brief History

These diagrams are 19th and 20th century attempts to systematize colours and describe how the human eye perceives them. In the late 18th century, scholars began to develop colour theory according to the understanding that three primary colours – red, yellow, and blue – could be combined to create all others; these hypotheses would be instrumental in forming early theories of colour vision and the science of perception. 

Although Sir Isaac Newton and Da Vinci both developed theories of colour, the German poet Goethe organized colours into the “wheel” we know today in his Theory of Colours in 1810. Albert Munsell developed his Color System which was later adopted by the US Bureau of Standards later in the century. Of course, these standards would influence not only contemporary explorations of the science of vision, but the creative disciplines of art and design as well. (artandsciencejournal)

Wallace Thornhill - Toward a Real Cosmology in the 21st Century

A real cosmology must be a broad and coherent natural philosophy. It may always be incomplete, based on ourlimitations, but to be valid there can be no exceptions in our experience. In particular, cosmology must address issues of life and the human condition. 

Therefore it must be a truly interdisciplinary pursuit. Modern specialized science is a hostileenvironment for such a quest. For example, the world’s largest professional body, the Institute for Electrical andElectronic Engineers (IEEE), recognizes plasma cosmology while it remains unheard of by students of astronomy. Plasmacosmology receives no publicity although it deals empirically with the electromagnetic behavior of plasma, whichconstitutes almost the entire visible universe. Unlike theoretical big bang cosmology, plasma cosmology can claimsuccessful predictions without recourse to hypothetical matter, energies and forces.

Lost City Of Atlantis Not Found Again

Once a year someone is claiming to be on the trail of Atlantis, a science-fiction city or nation or whatever in which super-smart people from the past were somehow wiped out and took a whole lot of cool technology with them.

Last year, it was at least interestingly supposed to be in Spain.

This year, it was maybe in the Baltic Sea - but if you are also searching for Atlantis make sure you use the right fuzzy language so you don't look silly when it turns out not to be aliens from the past. A "discovery" can be a "strange" and "mysterious" seafloor object and no one will object to that.  Then you just hint it might be Atlantis and hope National Geographic gives you a show.

Liturghia ca procesiune victorioasă. Înclinaţia omului spre închinare. Închinarea în Vechiul Testament: jertfele lui Cain şi Abel şi ale lui Noe

Liturghia ca procesiune victorioasă

Noi oamenii, creaturi ale lui Dumnezeu[1] trăim în cosmosul-lumea, timpul şi spaţiul pe care Dumnezeu ni le-a dăruit. Noi nu putem să creăm nimic din cele ce nu există ci doar facem diferite combinaţii din cele ce există deja. De fapt nu descoperim nimic nou fiindcă tot ce „descoperim” există deja ca potenţial în obiectivele de cercetare. Lumea aceasta este doar parte a Împărăţiei lui Dumnezeu, să zicem un sector al ei, într-o formă temporară, trecătoare, ce suportă transformare pentru un scop mai înalt. Noi suntem cinstiţi cu calitatea de stăpâni, numai dacă ne recunoaştem ca supuşi.