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Monday, September 24, 2012

Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

The Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, born in Cuzco, Peru on April 12, 1539, was an important literary figure in 16th and 17th century Spain, best known for his historical works of the Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas. Christened Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, de la Vega was the son of Captain Garcilaso de la Vega y Vargas, one of the members of the conquest force of Pedro de Alvarado. His mother, Palla Chimpu Occlo, was a member of the Inca royal family, granddaughter of the Inca emperor Tupac Inca Yupanqui [1471-1493], niece of Huayna Capac [1493-1527] and cousin of Atuahallpa and Huascar, whose battles ended the Inca Empire.

NASA'S Chandra Shows Milky Way is Surrounded by Halo of Hot Gas

WASHINGTON -- Astronomers have used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to find evidence our Milky Way Galaxy is embedded in an enormous halo of hot gas that extends for hundreds of thousands of light years. The estimated mass of the halo is comparable to the mass of all the stars in the galaxy.

If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the "missing baryon" problem for the galaxy.

Metrologie des supernovae de type Ia pour la cosmologie

„Putem integra vîrstnicii ascultîndu-le mărturiile” - interviu cu antropologul Frédéric Balard

Frédéric Balard este membru al echipei Demografie şi Sănătate din Montpellier (Franţa) din 2003. Este Doctor în antropologie, cu teza „Cei mai vîrstnici dintre vîrstnici: o cultură vie la porţile morţii”.

Aţi publicat un articol numit : „Păstrarea identităţii la vîrste înaintate cu scopul de a îmbătrîni bine : între rezistenţă şi dezangajare”. Identitatea persoanei rămane neschimbată de-a lungul timpului sau putem vorbi de o identitate aparte a vîrstnicului ? Şi, întrucat aţi studiat indeaproape nonagenarii, se schimbă identitatea de-a lungul diferitelor etape ale îmbătrînirii ?

Antediluvian Kings

"Every king springs from a race of slaves, and every slave had kings among his ancestors"Plato

Adom Abayomi, the current pharaoh of ancient Egypt, was watching the last of his pyramid being built. Even in the hot weather he still wore a heavy gold brace around his neck, never sparing any expense to show his wealth and power. His face bore a stern expression, but inside he was overjoyed, his tomb was as perfect as he'd imagined.

Codul de legi al lui Hammurabi

Desi inscaunat regele Babilonului la doar 25 de ani, Hammurabi cel Mare si-a lasat o amprenta puternica asupra istoriei Orientului Apropiat din vremurile secolului 18 i.Hr. Si-a extins rapid aria de influenta cucerind orasele-stat din apropiere, Isin, Uruk si Ur, apoi regatele asirian, akkad si sumerian pentru a controla intreaga Mesopotamie, regiunea fertila dintre fluviile Tigru si Eufrat, numita si “Leaganul civilizatiei omenirii”. A condus realizarea primelor lucrari de infrastructura la scara mare in agricultura in campiile din Mesopotamia, construirea de temple pentru strangerea populatiilor in jurul religiei si a sustinut dezvoltarea culturii in zona.