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Monday, September 17, 2012

Не счесть алмазов

Российские геологи рассказали об исполинском месторождении в Сибири

Группа российских геологов на минувшей неделе произвела сенсацию в российских СМИ, заявив о рассекречивании гигантского алмазного месторождения. По предварительным оценкам, запасы Попигайского кратера, где алмазы впервые были обнаружены еще в 70-х годах, "составляют триллионы каратов", что в тысячи раз больше доказанных запасов Якутии. Впрочем, обольщаться пока рано - возможности разработки месторождения пока не уточнены, равно как и свойства находящихся там алмазов.

Three monuments set to re-open in Egypt's Saqqara Necropolis

Following more than six years of restoration work, the tombs of two noblemen – along with Saqqara's famous Apis cemetery – will soon be open to the general public

Final restoration work is now in full swing at Egypt's famous Saqqara Necropolis, home of King Djoser's iconic Step Pyramid and a collection of Old Kingdom mastabas and tombs.

Soon, tombs of Sixth Dynasty Chief of Justice Mereuka and Fifth Dynasty Vizier Ptahhotep, along with the Apis tombs of the Serapeum, will be open to the public.

New film boosts Kon-Tiki Museum

Not everyone agrees that the new film “Kon-Tiki” should be Norway’s candidate at the Academy Awards in Hollywood, but Oslo’s Kon-Tiki Museum is riding high on its wave of success. The interest it’s set off among the public is resulting in a badly needed burst of visitors at the museum that had been operating at a loss for the second year in a row.

Australian study backs major assumption of cosmology

In mankind's attempts to gain some understanding of this marvelous place in which we live, we have slowly come to accept some principles to help guide our search. One such principle is that the Universe, on a large enough scale, is homogeneous, meaning that one part looks pretty much like another. Recent studies by a group of Australian researchers have established that, on sizes greater than about 250 million light years (Mly), the Universe is indeed statistically homogeneous, thereby reinforcing this cosmological principle.