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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Record Heat and Drought Signs of Solar Catastrophe?

NASA and the National Academy of Sciences has warned us of a coming 2012-2013 solar event that could possibly be the solar catastrophe that could spell disaster across the globe.

As the sun approaches the 2013 solar maximum, researchers say solar activity is just beginning, large solar flares are erupting on a regular basis with ever increasing strength. Recently, the Sun ejected an X-class flare on Friday.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted the summer’s first ‘X’ solar flare on Friday – a huge outburst from the sun right at the top of the scale.

Rethinking the Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction

A new study casts doubt on a popular theory about the mass extinction that occurred in the transition between two geological periods, the Triassic and the Jurassic. The findings give us a better understanding of today’s climate changes, scientists claim.

About the time, 201 million years ago, that the super-continent Pangaea – the single land mass made up of all the present continents – started to break up, life on Earth was hit by a severe crisis that killed off numerous animal species.

Muzeul Oului din Vama - Bucovina

Oul este minunea de inceput a lumii, Brancusi spunand despre ou ca este "maica tuturor formelor". Oul este inceputul si sfarsitul. Oul a sintetizat misterul Creatiunii; dintr-un ou trebuie sa se fi nascut Universul, Lumea, deci si omul. Oul cosmic trebuie presupus la baza credintei tuturor popoarelor din lume", marturiseste Artur Gorovei intr-un studiu despre folclor.

The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target

Our day-to-day lives exist in what physicists would call an electrically neutral environment. Desks, books, chairs and bodies don't generally carry electricity and they don't stick to magnets. But life on Earth is substantially different from, well, almost everywhere else. 

Beyond Earth's protective atmosphere and extending all the way through interplanetary space, electrified particles dominate the scene. Indeed, 99% of the universe is made of this electrified gas, known as plasma.

Proclus on Nature: Philosophy of Nature and Its Methods in Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Timaeus

Given the sophistication that Proclean studies have achieved in the past 20 years, it is somewhat surprising that so many questions remain unanswered about his philosophy of nature. Yet such is the case. Much of this neglect may be traced to a strong Neoplatonic emphasis on metaphysics as the end of philosophical speculation (since Iamblichus, the Timaeus had been treated as preliminary to study of the Parmenides, the capstone of the Neoplatonic curriculum) and to consequent prejudices among modern scholars against a distinct field of Proclean physics. 

It was not until the Baltzly, Tarrant, Runia, and Share translations of Proclus's Commentary on the Timaeus began to appear in 2007 that scholars directed concerted and sustained attention to Proclus's physiologia. In addition to generating new interest in Proclus's theory of nature, scholars have begun not only to dispel long-held misunderstandings about the apparent opposition between Being and Becoming, Intelligible and Sensible in Proclus's cosmology, but also to sort out the complex relations of ontological structure and operation that blend the Intelligible with the Sensible in seamless continuity. Marije Martijn's Proclus on Nature makes a number of important contributions to this project.

Engineering Technology Reveals Eating Habits of Giant Dinosaurs

High-tech technology, traditionally usually used to design racing cars and aeroplanes, has helped researchers to understand how plant-eating dinosaurs fed 150 million years ago.

A team of international researchers, led by the University of Bristol and the Natural History Museum, used CT scans and biomechanical modelling to show that Diplodocus -- one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered -- had a skull adapted to strip leaves from tree branches.