“The word — ‘Sumerian’ — is actually Akkadian in origin. It does not pertain to a ‘location’ as much as it does a ‘language’. The ancient word for ‘language’ is ‘tongue.’ Being the first written language, the ancient Sumerians simply referred to their own as a ‘native tongue‘ (emegir). The ‘signs’ and words used to represent the concept or idea of ‘tongue‘ can be used to denote ‘language’ or the literal part of the body (‘tongue‘).
To differentiate themselves culturally and linguistically from their predecessors, the Akkadians used the regional and cultural location (inhabited lands) of the Sumerians to define them as a geographically recognizable people and language.” [The material for this blog is derived from "Secrets of Sumerian Language" by Joshua Free.]
“Since the inception of the fields –- ‘Assyriology‘ or ‘Sumerology‘ -– (neither title for the academic field accurate describes the ‘Mardukite‘ work) many “standards” and “rules” have been implemented by scholars in an attempt to provide cohesive records – transliterations and translations – of the available ‘literature’ left to us from the ancient scribes. What is provided in “Secrets of Sumerian Language“ has proven in our internal efforts to be adequate for non-academicians working with the Mardukite Research Group.”
SECRETS OF SUMERIAN LANGUAGE… an amazing revelation of the deep esoteric origins of human language, writing and its historic contribution toward evolving human consciousness, the establishment of societal systems and alteration of reality perception. Immerse yourself holistically into the Mesopotamian paradigm to discover the arcane truth and profound beauty of the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian (Akkadian) cuneiform literary tradition — one which changed the world!
Although interested seekers and students were restricted in the past to pursuing Mesopotamian (Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Assyrian, etc.) studies academically in large prestigious universities. Few ‘reasonable’ resources had been presented in the past to promote independent and even amateur investigations into the amazing mysteries of the Anunnaki legacy.
While the next generation comes forth to take their place as the ‘new millennium assyriologists’ (and hopefully takes the initiative to change the title of the academic pursuit — which is only named after the Assyrians because the cuneiform tablets from Ashurbanipal’s royal library of Nineveh were among the first to be discovered and they just so happen to be written in Assyrian language, and now the whole field is named for it) let us briefly take note of just a few of the figures that have come before us and offered us the results of their own lifetime and archaeological efforts — often with little notice or credit.
JEREMY BLACK (1951-2004) : Educated at Oxford (England), Black spent his professional lifetime, from 1981, dedicated to the field of Assyriology, specifically cuneiform languages. After assisting with the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary Project and serving as assistant director to the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq, he returned to a teaching position at Oxford and eventually launched the internet-based ‘Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL)’ that is still in use today.
THORKILD JACOBSEN (1904-1993) : After receiving his M.A. from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Jacobsen came to America to work toward his PhD at the University of Chicago and eventually became an Assyriology professor at Harvard University, noted for his incredible skills of cuneiform translation and interpretation. One of his most popular literary contributions to the field revealed the ‘Sumerian King Lists’ in 1939.
LEONARD WILLIAM KING (1869-1919) : Schooled in Cambridge, King spent the majority of his life outside the classroom as Assistant Keeper of the Egyptian and Mesopotamian ‘antiquities’ at the British Museum. A prolific translator, he released numerous publications on tablet cycles including his most famous, the Enuma Elis, titled ‘The Seven Tablets of Creation’. In reflection of the modern revival interest, perhaps the most paramount contribution remains the transliteration and translation of the British Museum’s ‘Kuyunjik Collection’ as ‘Babylonian Magic & Sorcery’.
SAMUEL NOAH KRAMER (1897-1990) : While studying at the University of Pennsylvania, Kramer dedicated his remaining life to the unveiling of Sumerian literature and culture. His brief critique and concise overview of ‘Sumerian Mythology’ from 1944 (revised 1964) remains the most widely circulated text on the topic, along with ‘History Begins at Sumer’.
SIR HENRY RAWLINSON (1810-1895) : Let us certainly not forget Sir Rawlinson; considered by many to be the ‘father’ of modern Assyriology. As a British army officer, he followed his own interests into Mesopotamian history before such was really archaeologically apparent. After learning the Persian language, the British army sent him to Persia where he maintained a hobby of translating old inscriptions, which eventually became his full-time career. By the end of his life, he had earned several honorary degrees and became a Fellow of the Royal Society for ‘discovering the key to ancient cuneiform translations’.

Although interested seekers and students were restricted in the past to pursuing Mesopotamian (Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Assyrian, etc.) studies academically in large prestigious universities. Few ‘reasonable’ resources had been presented in the past to promote independent and even amateur investigations into the amazing mysteries of the Anunnaki legacy.
While the next generation comes forth to take their place as the ‘new millennium assyriologists’ (and hopefully takes the initiative to change the title of the academic pursuit — which is only named after the Assyrians because the cuneiform tablets from Ashurbanipal’s royal library of Nineveh were among the first to be discovered and they just so happen to be written in Assyrian language, and now the whole field is named for it) let us briefly take note of just a few of the figures that have come before us and offered us the results of their own lifetime and archaeological efforts — often with little notice or credit.
JEREMY BLACK (1951-2004) : Educated at Oxford (England), Black spent his professional lifetime, from 1981, dedicated to the field of Assyriology, specifically cuneiform languages. After assisting with the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary Project and serving as assistant director to the British Archaeological Expedition to Iraq, he returned to a teaching position at Oxford and eventually launched the internet-based ‘Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL)’ that is still in use today.
THORKILD JACOBSEN (1904-1993) : After receiving his M.A. from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Jacobsen came to America to work toward his PhD at the University of Chicago and eventually became an Assyriology professor at Harvard University, noted for his incredible skills of cuneiform translation and interpretation. One of his most popular literary contributions to the field revealed the ‘Sumerian King Lists’ in 1939.
LEONARD WILLIAM KING (1869-1919) : Schooled in Cambridge, King spent the majority of his life outside the classroom as Assistant Keeper of the Egyptian and Mesopotamian ‘antiquities’ at the British Museum. A prolific translator, he released numerous publications on tablet cycles including his most famous, the Enuma Elis, titled ‘The Seven Tablets of Creation’. In reflection of the modern revival interest, perhaps the most paramount contribution remains the transliteration and translation of the British Museum’s ‘Kuyunjik Collection’ as ‘Babylonian Magic & Sorcery’.
SAMUEL NOAH KRAMER (1897-1990) : While studying at the University of Pennsylvania, Kramer dedicated his remaining life to the unveiling of Sumerian literature and culture. His brief critique and concise overview of ‘Sumerian Mythology’ from 1944 (revised 1964) remains the most widely circulated text on the topic, along with ‘History Begins at Sumer’.
SIR HENRY RAWLINSON (1810-1895) : Let us certainly not forget Sir Rawlinson; considered by many to be the ‘father’ of modern Assyriology. As a British army officer, he followed his own interests into Mesopotamian history before such was really archaeologically apparent. After learning the Persian language, the British army sent him to Persia where he maintained a hobby of translating old inscriptions, which eventually became his full-time career. By the end of his life, he had earned several honorary degrees and became a Fellow of the Royal Society for ‘discovering the key to ancient cuneiform translations’.
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